Here are 5 features to look out for in your purchase of a Smart Television.

Screen Resolution


Refresh Rate

This describes how many times per second a picture is refreshed on the screen. It is normally expressed in Hertz (Hz). The standard refresh rate is 60 times per second, or 60 Hz. In scenes with rapidly moving objects, a low refresh rate can make things look blurry. Some new models are boasting High-Frame Rate (HFR) support, which means that they have both a higher refresh rate and added support for content with higher than 60 Hz frame rates. I advise you to beware of terms like “effective refresh rate,” which means the actual frame rate is half the stated rate. Look for a television that has a refresh rate of at least 120 Hz. Related Article: RokuTV, Android TV, WebOS, Tizen: Understanding smart TV operating systems

HDMI and Connections

Pay attention to the number of HDMI inputs a smart TV set has. The more the better! These ports can get used up quickly: Add speakers, a decoder and a game console, and you’ve used three ports already. Also, make sure the set’s ports support HDMI 2.0 to accommodate future Ultra HD sources. Choose a television with at least 4 HDMI ports available.

Contrast Ratio

This describes the range of brightness levels a set can display. Better contrast ratios display more subtle shadows and hues, and thus better detail. However, the way manufacturers measure such ratios varies widely. Nevertheless, it’s still best to see for yourself how a TV displays shadow detail by finding a movie with dark scenes and seeing how well it reveals detail in the shadows of, say, a Harry Potter movie. Experiment with the TV’s brightness, sharpness and other picture settings before making a final judgment. It’s also advisable that while testing this feature, select “movie” or “cinema” mode on the TV. Be a Smart about Buying Your Next Smart TV! By taking not of the must have features discussed above, we hope you will feel better prepared when shopping for your next Smart TV.