However, despite its age-old history, some of us still do it right! That’s sometimes due to the way that Email was designed, but for the most part, it’s how users interact with and use the tool. For instance, have you seen those forwarded emails with 100 people who have forwarded the email? The TO and CC fields each contain 20+ email addresses and that is at least 100 lines of scrolling to read the message. I can excuse this for personal mail, but when it comes to work mail I find this not only irritating but time wasting. If this was sent this to a busy executive, chances that they would never be able to read it, let alone reply it. Many individuals lack the etiquette and basic understanding of how to use email for business dialogue. So how do you empower your employees to write reasonable emails that don’t compromise the privacy and security of your organization and yet still preserve and maintain your corporate brand image in your emails? HR together with IT department have the responsibility of creating the standards and best practices that best represent the format of communication of the organization. One of the best selling points email providers pitch to prospects is the identity their email addresses will provide them. All correspondence through organization’s provided email facility in one way or another represent the brand image of the organization. Improper use therefore opens the ones to negative consequences like; As a rule of thumb users should be implored to; With the increased penetration of the internet, emailing has been one of those business tools that we rely on for collaboration. Its use should therefore reflect the image of your organization with respect to the people you are corresponding with. It is the responsibility of the policy makers in an organization to set the standard that is followed company-wide. Image via WebDesignerDepot Editor’s Note: About the Author. Joshua Okapes is keen about technology, passionate about incorporating technology into routine business processes and sharing tech experiences for the last 10 years. He’s currently serving the industry with Hosteac – a web hosting and design brand of “Devterch Limited”. You can find him on Twitter @JOkapes  

Corporate Email Communication  How to do it right - 92Corporate Email Communication  How to do it right - 6