The number of startups at HiveColab has kept on growing and this necessitated expansion in their facility in terms of space and internet bandwidth. The hub acquired more space in 2018 to accommodate the growing number of startups. HiveColab has partnered with SEACOM for a dedicated unlimited internet upgrade from 20Mbps to a whopping 100Mbps! Related Article: Internet Speeds and Data Bundles explained HiveColab aims at empowering youth, building her immediate community, tapping talent early and consequently joining hands with everyone in the ecosystem to change the world. This is being done through incubating startups and supporting them right from idea level to when the businesses are self-sufficient and competent enough to compete favorably in the market today. We (Dignited) are a testimony to this. Fast internet means a strong signal, quicker cloud access of any applications and data that are cloud-based, supports multiple users and more so decreases stress – there is nothing more annoying than slow internet speeds. Not only is it stressful to constantly spend time waiting for websites to download, but a slow internet will increase the worry that work won’t get done in a timely manner. This move is a great step in the right direction in supporting startups. HiveColab offers open space that’s free to all developers and tech entrepreneurs whose only requirement as members is to work on a project or look for a project to work on. Featured Image Source: