The TechPost has been online for almost three years now run by me (David Okwii) with a few guest posts from Onyait Odeke  delivering original local [Tech] content and opining on local and international technological developments. We’ve gotten better at it.  But towards the end of last year, I spoke with Onyait Odeke and we decided to scale.  We wanted more in-depth coverage and reporting  of the African Tech industry by reviewing, showcasing and talking about the finest innovations in the continent beginning with Uganda.  When we asked the TechPost readers exactly what they wanted the most from the online publication, they couldn’t agree more! But more that just awesome content from some of the top [Tech] writers in Uganda most of whom already have personal blogs, we’ve learnt and noticed that the way that media works and the way that web visitors consume information has radically changed from what it traditionally used to be.  Today unlike in the past where media houses were the stewards of information, due to our hyper-connected society in which information flow is fast approaching the speed of light,  consumers are sometimes ahead of media houses when and possibly after a story breaks!  Readers are in some cases far more informed about certain developments. We’re therefore taking a different twist in the way that we’ll produce and publish content. Through our social media channels, forums and website, we will provide a platform where readers don’t just consume content but also produce it by driving or encouraging engaging discussions, debates, taking   opinion polls on some stories, posts, developments that may catch our attention.  That’s why we think the TechPost will also be about “conversation” and we invite you to actively  participate. There’s no doubt, technology now influences every aspect of our lives and whoever denies that self evident fact does it at their own peril, whether it’s just individual, a small business, or a large  established organization.  Yet it can be a daunting challenge to keep update with the latest technological developments given how fast changing they can be. It’ll be our job to make that journey easy for you by trying to make sense of how these technologies can influence you life or your organization. Whether you’re an ordinary computer user who’s only interested in browsing the internet for news or checking your email or you’re a super geek who understands how compilers work, you’ll find the TechPost an awesome publication.