This is what Ug-CERT attempts to resolve — cyber threats within the communications sector. With assistance from International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and partnerships from the ministry of ICT, National Information Technology Authority Uganda (NITA) and security agencies, UCC will raise awareness and train associates, develop and employ systems to be used as well as maintaining an effective communication to escalate national security and other  incidences related to law enforcement. The inauguration of Ug-CERT, however, follows a series of events. Firstly, the revelation by Uganda’s Security Minister Muruli Mukasa at the UCC Annual Broadcaster’s Conference that government plans to build a social media monitoring center “to weed out those who use it to damage the government and people’s reputations.” Also, the compulsory sim-card registration prerequiste in mitigating phone related crime especially through money laundering and abduction. Do you think UCC and the government have the capability to run this programme? Image via (AP/Roberto Pfeil)