At the World Health Summit, about 2,000 stakeholders and decision-makers from 100 countries and every field in the healthcare spectrum work together to find solutions for global health challenges. The World Health Summit Startup Track highlights outstanding ideas and innovative business concepts that have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve Global Health. The World Health Summit provides young entrepreneurs with three days of access to world leaders from science, industry, politics, and civil society to set up future collaborations and get to know potential mentors, investors and board members. The top ten startups will have three minutes each to showcase their ideas and business concepts in front of the conference audience and jury. The winner will be presented and receive an award in a ceremony at the World Health Summit. Related article: This is Mirembe Chat Bot, Uganda’s first artificially intelligent adviser Out of 60 applications from 19 countries, 10 of them have a chance to pitch their ideas to the jury and the World Health Summit audience. The 10 finalists are: Wulira App (Uganda) Caspar Health (Germany) DX-Labtrack (Germany) Eyeluminati (India) ImmunifyMe (Sri Lanka) inveox GmbH (Germany) Magnosco GmbH (Germany) Pay It Forward (USA) SpotSense (India) Strand Therapeutics Inc. (USA)

What is the Wulira App?

Wulira is an android mobile application that is used to assess hearing loss in at-risk patients and provide immediate reporting on results. It is programmed to transmit a specific sound to test subjects and gives the patient an immediate diagnosis and recommendation. The resulting analysis is documented and can be shared with an audiologist for further observation. It is also helpful the elderly who acquire age-related hearing loss and can enable parents detect any hearing defects in children early enough to find remedies for them